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Digest : Improved listening and reading experience for The Economist

Since I was in college, I have been an avid reader of The Economist. I read (and listen) to it cover to cover every week, and essentially have a set schedule for it through the week to ensure I get through it, and keep time for additional reading. …

DARCI : Destiny 2 PVP web platform

DARCI is a self hosted platform for aggregating, viewing and analyzing Destiny 2 PVP stats. Released as an open source project in 2023, it is available for download from the DARCI Github project page. DARCI provides similar functionality to …

Ascendant : Destiny 2 PVP Dashboard App for MacOS

Ascendant is a MacOS desktop application for collecting and analyzing your Destiny 2 PVP stats. Originally released in 2023 it is available for download at ascendantapp.info. The application provides what is probably the most comprehensive view, …

DCLI : Command Line Interface for Destiny 2 PVP data

DCLI (Destiny Command Line Interface) is a suite of command line tools for syncing and analyzing Destiny 2 PVP data. Originally released in 2001, it is written in RUST, and available for Mac, Windows and Linux. The code for the project is released …

Looking Back : WowTCGUtility Mac App for World of Warcraft TCG

The WoW TCG Utility is a native Mac OS X application for searching and managing cards for the World of Warcraft Trading Card game. This was an app I worked on from 2009 to 2010, and released as a free, open source project (released under an MIT …

Redrix - Destiny 2 PVP Companion App

Grant Skinner and I have released a new iOS and Android app for Destiny 2. Redrix is a Destiny 2 PVP companion app which gives you information and stats when playing Crucible mode in Destiny 2. The response from the community has been overwhelming. …

Twitch Live Firefox Extension

I have ported my Twitch Live browser extension for Google Chrome to Firefox. Twitch Live is a toolbar extension that makes it easy to see when your favorite streamers on Twitch are live. There are options to open streams in a new window or tab, to …

Adobe Live on Behance Chrome Extension

I have put together a Google Chrome extension named Adobe Live on Behance which makes it easy to keep track of when Adobe is live streaming from Behance. Install Adobe Live on Behance Chrome Extension. To use, install the extension which will place a …

Google Chrome extension for testing Chrome Extension Icons

I am working on creating a new Google Chrome extension, and needed a way to quickly test and iterate on toolbar badges and icons. So, I created a simple Google Chrome extension to make it easy to test Google Chrome extension toolbard icons. The …

pizone - Raspberry Pi based Nintendo Zone access point

I have just released a project called pizone that uses a Raspberry PI, along with some NodeJS code to create a customer Nintendo Zone access point. This allows you to connect your Nintendo 3DS to the point, and get Spot and Street Passes (along with …

JTV Live : A Google Chrome Extension for Justin.tv

UPDATE : June 6, 2012 : Due to a change in the Justin.tv APIs, this extension no longer works with Twitch.tv accounts. I have created a new extension, called Twitch Live which works with Twitch.tv accounts. Sorry about the hassle. Since I started …

Accelerate : Flash / Arduino Based Speed Detector

Well, as you may have noticed from my blog posts the past week or two, I have been playing around with Flash and Arduino. I have a ton of ideas and projects in mind, but wanted to start on something that wouldn’t be too overwhelming, and would …

as3corelib Library moved to GitHub

I have just moved the as3corelib library over to GitHub (at the urging of Darron Schall). This should make the project a little easier to manage, and in particular, make it easier for developers to contribute patches, and for me to review and accept …

Halo 3 iPhone Application : Timetrocity

Not Flash related, but I wanted to make a quick post and point out a new Halo 3 related iPhone application I have created. It is called Timetrocity and is basically a weapon and item respawn timer for Halo 3. You can find more information about it …

ActionScript 3 Reference for iPhone

The iTunes app store has just approved my first application, and has posted it online. The application is an ActionScript 3 class reference for the iPhone and allows quick and easy access to the ActionScript 3 class reference docs for Flash Player …

New version of ShortBoard .90

I have just posted a new version of ShortBoard, the Mac OS X application for searching for OS X broadcasts and schedules. This release adds the ability to add a broadcast to iCal so you can be reminded before the broadcast begins. You can find all of …

ShortBoard Shortwave App for Mac (v.85)

I have just upload a new Mac / Cocoa app I have been working on called ShortBoard. It is a simple app that loads shortwave broadcasts schedules from Prime Time Shortwave, and makes it easy to view, sort and filter them. This is just a first release, …

Firefox Ubiquity Command : fyi

I have just created a new Firefox Ubiquity plugin command named “fyi”. The command makes it super simple to email info about a web page to anyone. I wrote the command because I am often finding myself forwarding URLs to friends and …

Updated turl : command line url shortener (with bit.ly support)

Just a quick note, but I updated turl last night. turl is a command line tool for Mac OS X that uses online services to shorten urls. There are a couple of minor changes, but the main new feature is that I added support for bit.ly. Here are the …

Wowhead Launcher Updated to AIR 1.0

Just a quick note, but I have updated my Wowhead launcher to work with Adobe AIR 1.0. This is a simple application that allows you to quickly launch searches into wowhead.com (for World of Warcraft). You can find more information, as well as grab the …

FlashCommand for OS X re-uploaded

I have been getting a bunch of email that the links to my FlashCommand for OS X download was no longer working. FlashComamnd is a command line tool written in python, that allows you to launch Flash authoring to compile FLAs. Well, I found the files, …

CommandProxy - .NET / AIR Integration Proof of Concept

Two of the most requested features for Adobe AIR have been the ability to launch native executables from an AIR application, and the ability to integrate native libraries into an AIR application. Unfortunately, neither feature will be included in …

turl - Mac Command Line tool for creating smaller URLs

I have just released a simple Mac OS X app named “turl”, that provides a command line / shell interface to online URL shortening services (including urltea.com and tinyurl.com). Usage is pretty simple: turl URL For example: turl …

flump : Flickr Dump

Over on the on AIR bus tour blog, I just posted about a new app that Lee Brimelow and I put together on the bus, called flump. It is a simple AIR application that will download all of the public images from a Flickr account. You can find more …

Ascension Application and Source Released

Well, I know it took forever, but I have finally released the source and an AIR file for Ascension, an Apollo based mp3 player and music explorer. You can download the latest AIR file, as well as grab the source, log bugs, and discuss the player from …

Spotlight Search Plugin for ActionScript

I have created a simple plugin for Spotlight search on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger), that allows Spotlight to index ActionScript files. This will allow you to use Spotlight to search for terms / functions / code, etc within ActionScript files on your …

Flash / JavaScript Integration Kit (with Open License)

Well, as many noticed last week from the Flash Platform whitepaper, we have released a beta of the Flash / JavaScript Integration kit. The kit allows you to call functions from Flash to JavaScript and JavaScript to Flash, all while working cross …

Adding a View Source Menu item to Macromedia Flash Content

Yesterday Lawrence Lessig gave a talk at the FlashForward conference titled The Cost of Copyright. In it, he stressed the importance and necessity of a culture of sharing. Of course, the Flash community has grown up on this culture (i.e. FlashKit, …

boingboing FireFox Search Plugin

Well, the FireFox engadget search plugin I made has proven to be useful (and popular), so I decided to put together a search plugin for what is probably my favorite site, boingboing. So, here it is: Install boingboing Search Plugin This will place a …

Macromedia News FireFox Extension

I have put together a simple extension for FireFox which makes it easy to keep up with the latest Macromedia news, information and weblog posts. It places a small icon on the FireFox task bar that, when clicked displays all of the latest information. …

Engadget Search Plugin for FireFox

Since I was in the mood of creating FireFox search plugins for sites I search on often, I decided to make a search plugin for engadget. So, here it is: Install Engadget Search Plugin Just click the link above, and it will appear in the search bar …

NoMoreCopies App for OS X

I have put together a simple application for OS X that takes a character delimited list, and removes duplicates. Here is a screenshot: You can download the app from here Note : Only tested on OS X 10.3.5 The app is free, but if you end up using it, …

SpellMe Simple OS X Spell Check App

I have started to use a couple of apps on OS X that don’t have built in support for spell checking (FireFox, TextMate). So, I decided to put together a simple spell check application, named SpellMe. Here is a screenshot: You can download the …

TattleTale for Windows Preview / Beta

Yesterday I released a preview version of the MAC OS X version of TattleTale. Today I am releasing a (slightly rougher) beta version of TattleTale for Windows. What is TattleTale? TattleTale is a simple application that makes it easy to keep up with …

TattleTale for MAC OS X Preview / Beta

Christian Cantrell and I have been working on a mini project for making it easier to keep up with the latest news and information from Macromedia. The name of the application is called TattleTale, and we are releasing the OS X version for beta / …

engadgeter for OS X

Well, after I put together my simple Quake Bar app, I figured I would tweak the code a little more, and make an app to watch one of my favorite sites, engadget.com. So, here is engadgeter (I know, lame name). This is a simple status bar application …

QuakeBar for OS X

I have been learning Objective-C and Cocoa development lately, mostly so I can create a Mac version of my Flash Resource Manager application. Anyways, since I live in San Francisco now, I figured that I need to know when earthquakes occur, so I …

flashme : Creating new FLAs from the command line on OS X

I recently switched back to OS X from Windows, and one of the things I missed was the ability to easily create a new FLA directly on the file system. This is much easy than opening Flash, and then navigating to where I want the file and saving it. …

OpmlCombine App

I have created and uploaded the source code for a simple application that combines OPML files together. This is a simple application that takes n number of file or url paths to opml files, and then writes a new opml file to standard out that contains …

Flash Resource Manager

As I posted last week, I have been playing around (in my free time) with building a small app for viewing the Flash documentation outside of the Flash IDE. Well, the first public version of the Flash Resource Manager is now available. Flash Resource …

FlashCommand Windows C# Source Code released

I have just uploaded the source code for the Windows version of my FlashCommand command line compiler for Flash MX 2004. You can download the source from here. I haven’t touched this code in a long time, and it is not documented much. However I …

flashcommand Flash command line compiler for OS X

I have built an OS X version of my FlashCommand command line compiler for Flash MX 2004. This uses the Flash MX 2004 extensibility layer to allow you to compile Flash files (FLA) from the command line. It has a ton of options, and will also catch and …

Central Trace Panel v1 for OS X

I have just uploaded the 1.0 version of the Stand-alone Central Trace Panel for Mac OS X. This is a wrapper for the Central Trace panel included on the Central SDK. !()[/files/files/mesh/files/CentralTraceScrn.gif] The Central Trace Panel includes …

Standalone Central Trace Panel for OS X

I have created an OS X version of my stand-alone Central Trace Panel. This basically allows you to run the Central Trace / Debug panel outside of the Flash IDE. Update (12/17/2003) : I have released version 1.0 of the Trace Panel. You can find more …

Central Standalone Debug Panel for Windows

I have created a simple shell that allows the Central Debug panel to run outside of the Flash IDE. Among other things, it allows you to set the panel to always be on top, which makes it easy to watch trace information from Central. Requirements: …

FlashCommand Flash 2004 Command Line Compiler

Well, I am finally releasing the first public version of FlashCommand. FlashCommand is a command line compiler for Flash MX 2004 Pro. I am sorry it took so long to release, but I have been super swamped. I also ran into a bug where the installer no …

Macromedia Central Chat Application (beta)

I have been working on using the chat framework that Greg Burch and I put together to build a simple chat application for Macromedia Central. I is not complete, but I figured that people might be interested in checking it out. You can install it …

New Chat : FCF Chat

Greg Burch and I have been working on a new framework for multiuser applications with the Flash Communication Server. We have put up a pre-alpha version of a chat using the framework which you can view and use here. The page includes info on how to …


Screenshot of the Flash Communication Server chat Flash app that used to be embedded here.
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