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Mini Speaking Tour in Asia (Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei and Hong Kong)

Just a quick note, but Ryan Stewart and I will be doing a quick, mini speaking tour in Asia at the end of this month. We will be visiting Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei and Hong Kong (about 2 days each city).

Among other things, we will be speaking about some of the current and future stuff going on around the Flash Platform, including Flex 4, Flash Player 10, Adobe AIR 1.5, Thermo, and more. I dont have all of the links to the events just yet, but you can find info on the user group meetings we are speaking at in Tokyo, Taipei and Seoul.

The schedule is pretty crazy, but it does look like we might have some free time in Tokyo and Hong Kong, so if anyone wants to hang out (or recommend some good local beers), just ping me or Ryan.

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