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onAIR Tour : Leg 1 Registration Update London Is In The Lead

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

Well, we are about 3 weeks away from the start of the first leg of the on AIR Tour in Europe. Most of the details are taken care of, and aside from a couple of tweaks, the agendas are looking good. We have been really blown away by how quick the registrations have been filling up, and we are getting close to selling out a couple of the venues.

So, which city / country is leading the charge in registrations? Here are the cities from leg 1 ranked in order of registration numbers:

If you know someone who does web development (Flash, Flex, JavaScript, Java, PHP, ColdFusion, etc…), make sure to let them know about the tour (make sure they know it is free). Also, if you blog the tour, make sure to post a link in the comments, so everyone can check them out.

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