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Update from Europe

Lee Brimelow and I are at the midpoint of our European user group tour. We started out in Brighton at Flash on the Beach (which was awesome as everyone has been saying), and then hit Amsterdam, Stockholm, Arhus Denmark, and Cologne Germany. The events have been going well and have all been packed (had to close registration for almost all of them).

The schedule and travel has been pretty intense, so we haven’t really had a chance to do much other than travel and present. However, getting to hang out with all of the developers in the community has made it worthwhile.

We spent the weekend in Cologne and Brussels, and while we finally had some time to get out of the hotel room, we spent most of the weekend working on some new code (more about that tonight at the meeting in Antwerp). The schedule for this week is Antwerp, Barcelona (a first for me), Rome, Paris and Geneva. We are going to show a new proof of concept project that Lee and I have been working on (and which may raise a few eye brows), and it looks like we may be showing something in Paris that people have been waiting for for a long time for (not 100% sure yet though).

Oh yeah, we got a chance to sit down with Ralph Hauwert in Denmark, and do a quick video interview with him about Papervision 3D (which blew us away). We will try to post that in the next day or two (keep an eye on the video blog).

Anyways, it is been a blast getting to meet and hang out with everyone, and now that we are rested, we are ready to head out for week 2.

Update : Looks like some of this code is taking a little longer than expected, so the surprise we had for tonight might have to wait… ;(

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