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onAIR Tour : Atlanta User Group Information

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

The bus tour is in Atlanta today, and it has been going great thus far. Leif Wells spoke for a couple of minutes to let everyone know about all of the local Atlanta Users groups (5 Total!).

I wanted to post the urls, in case anyone didnt get them all written down.

Atlanta ColdFusion User Group** First Monday of the month at Echo 11 http://www.acfug.org

Adobe Flash Platform User Group Second Tuesday of the month at King Plow Arts Center (Roundbox) http://www.afpugatlanta.org

Adobe Experience Design (XD) User Group of Atlanta** Second Thursday of the month at King Plow Arts Center (Roundbox) http://www.xdatlanta.org

Atlanta Flash and Flex User Group Third Wednesday of the month http://www.affug.org

Adobe User Group of Atlanta Forth Thursday of the month at King Plow Arts Center (Roundbox) http://www.augatlanta.org

Make sure to check the meetings out. It is a great opportunity to meet with other developers in the area.

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