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onAIR Tour : Bus Is Moving Website Updated

Originally posted on onair.adobe.com blog.

The bus is finally on its way, on the first leg of the on AIR Bus Tour. We left this morning around 6:30 AM and are about 2 hours north of San Francisco right now. Scoble is broadcasting on the live video feed, Ryan is playing guitar hero, and everyone else is working on code.

We pushed a new version of the homepage, that maps the images and twitters from the tour, a live video feed from the bus, and a ton of new APIs for the bus, including location data, and a geo-encoded twitter feed.

We are making a quick stop at the Portland airport, to pick up Kevin Lynch, and then should get into Seattle around 9 or 10 tonight. Tomorrow is the first AIR Camp (all day long), and then the Ignite the Web! event at night.

You can find a complete list of AIR Camp cities and dates here. Make sure to register and come and check it out.

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