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Apollo Camp Twitter Account

As part of Apollo Camp tonight, we will have an Apollo Camp Twitter account to make it easy for anyone to leave messages, ask questions, or make comments on Apollo Camp and / or the current sessions.

Here is the info:


In order to participate, create and login to your Twitter account, and add the apollocamp account as a friend (linked on the right side of the page of the URL above).

You can then view all of the Twitters by visiting:

To send a message, comment or question about Apollo, Apollo Camp or individual sessions, simply make a Twitter status update, and prepend your update with “@ApolloCamp" For example:

@ApolloCamp Drank too much RedBull and Coffee, but enjoying the File API session.

Btw, we are still testing our Twitter display app (which Danny Dura is building), so you may see some test posts for the next hour or so.

Btw2, thanks to the guys over Twitter for helping us with a few things to get this working.

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