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Apollo Camp Update

Only 2 days left until Apollo Camp. I wanted to make a quick post with some updates.

First, Apollo Camp is sold out and we already have a long waiting list. We will not be adding new people as we are already pretty tight on space. Don’t worry though if you cant make it. We will post videos of all sessions on video.onflex.org, and are talking about doing additional Apollo Camps this summer.

We have updated and finalized the agenda. You can view the entire schedule on the Apollo Camp page. One important note is that we will server dinner / food from 5 - 6PM now. We will have snacks and drinks throughout the entire event.

I also updated the Apollo Camp page with Flickr and Twitter information. If you take images related to Apollo Camp and upload them to Flickr, make sure to tag them with “apollocamp”.

We have also setup an Apollo Camp Twitter account (actually Ryan Stewart set it up, and let us use it). We will use this during the conference to host the back channel chatter, as well as feedback and questions on the sessions. I will post some more on this later.

Doors open at 5, and the first session starts at 5:45. Try to get there around 5 PM so you have time to get something to eat. Make sure to bring your laptop, and maybe we will have something for everyone to play around with. We will have wireless available, and as many power strips as we can muster.

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