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If you follow my weblog, then you know that I have been playing around with shooting video’s showing off Apollo and Flex. While I am in no way a video professional, I like doing the videos as I think they are a lot clearer (especially when discussing something visual).

Anyways, I have been posting them to google video, and then blogging them here, but I haven’t been too happy with that. The video quality at google video is not what I would like, and there is not one place to link and index all of the videos.

So, I, along with Ted Patrick, put together a site to host all of the videos that we have been shooting. The site is video.onflex.org, and has just launched. I made a post over on the site which provides some more information, and have already post a couple of videos. Make sure to check out the demo that Ely Greenfield gives. It is amazing.

Anyways, I am really excited about the site, and have a backlog of videos to encode and post (not too mention all of the sessions from Apollo Camp).

You can find more information, as well as view the site here.

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