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Open Source ActionScript 3 Libraries moved to Google Code

We have just finished moving all of the open source ActionScript 3 Libraries over to Google code. Not only does this provide a much better infrastructure for the libraries (providing source control, mailing list, bug base, etc…), but more importantly, it finally makes it easy for us to allow other developers to contribute to the projects.

Here are the links to the new project pages:

Note, the original Labs page still exists, although it now points to the individual projects on Google code. The old subversion repository on labs still exists, but is no longer being updated for these projects. We are keeping it around to provide revision history for the projects.

All of the projects contain complete access to source code, documentation, unit tests, wiki, bug base, and mailing list. If you are interested in contributing to any of the projects (code, testing, documentation), sign up to the appropriate project mailing list, and offer to help.

Thanks to Darron Schall and Mike Potter for helping making this happen, and of course, thanks to all of the authors of the libraries who have contributed them to the community.

UPDATE: As3CoreLib is not on Github

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