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Cuban Catches

Since I started back with my Shortwave my amount of sleep has gone decidedly down. Thus, last night, after a quick nap, I didn’t have too much time to listen to the radio, but did have a chance to pick up a pair of Cuban stations.

The first was really good, because it was a pretty strong signal, and I didn’t have to strain to hear it. I was really excited about the second, Radio Rebelde. The signal was really weak at first, but after adjusting the antena and fine tuning it, I was finally able to hear it. It took me a while to confirm the station (because it was in Spanish), but I was finally able to near the top of the hour. The cool thing was that according to the EIBI frequency charts, this was a broadcast targeting the Caribbean (and not the Western Coast of the US. Btw, apparently Radio Rebelde was founded by Che Guevara.

Anyways, I just got my new Eton E5, and tonight I plan on getting up really early to try and catch my first North Korean broadcast. If the signal is strong enough, Ill record it and post it here.

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