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Flash Player 9 / Flex 2 Beta 3 is out!

Well, as you have probably seen from the 50 million posts on MXNA about it, last night we posted the latest beta of Flex 2 / Flash Player 9 to labs. This beta drop includes the following:

You can find more information on everything in this release on the labs wiki.

We have also posted a couple of resources on what is new and what has changed in beta 3:

Beta 3 API Changes
Article : What’s changed since Beta 2

Make sure to read the Beta 3 API changes document, as it will save you some time and hassle when updating existing content to beta 3. From this point forward, there should not be very many API changes, so this should be the last time you have to do any significant updating between releases.

You can grab everything you need to get started from here.

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