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Week in Review

I am sorry that I have not been as active online the past week and a half (including blogging and podcasts). I have been swamped at work playing around with some new stuff (more on that later).

Anyways, I wanted to post a couple of links that caught my eye over the past week or so:

Ryan Stewart at Digital Backcountry - Make sure to check out Ryan’s weblog. I think he has some of the best commentary anywhere on the RIA space. Apparently I am not the only one who has been noticing this, as ZDNET has asked him to do a blog on RIAs on their site.

Webmonkey posted a good tutorial on using the Flex - Ajax Bridge that Ely Greenfield put together.

Sean Moore has put together a new site where he is posting ActionScript 3 Cheatsheets. (These are sweet!)

Ted Patrick has joined Adobe as a Flex Evangilist.

ABC launches their free online Flash based video service / player. You can find some more commentary and information here and here.

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