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New MXNA Features / Contest Winners

As I mentioned yesterday, we have released an small update to MXNA (our Macromedia Community News Aggregator).

In addition to a bunch of tweaks and bugs fixes, there are some cool new features, including:

If you have a weblog aggregated by MXNA, then I think the new feed specific report is the coolest new feature. They allow you to view click stats for the last fifty posts made on a per feed basis. This makes it easy to see what types of posts were the most popular, what your average clicks are, and what the current trends are.

You can view a report for a specific feed by going to the Weblogs listing page, and clicking the Feed Report link for the feed you want to view.

Congrats to the winners of yesterdays quick contest, who noticed the new features:

Bonus points to Galileo, who won the most perceptive award by noticing that the clicks icon for each post had been slightly changed to include a fill color.

If you are one of the winners, send me an email (mesh@macromedia.com) with your mailing info, and Ill send out your Flash bags today.

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