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Back from Sabbatical and Vacation

Just a quick note to let everyone that I am back from vacation and sabbatical (2 months total). I had a great time off, but am ready to get back in and get my hands dirty with all of the stuff we are working on.

I am currently catching up on email, so if you sent something important to me in the past 2 months and didn’t get a response, you might want to resend it. I have a ton of email to go through and want to make sure that I don’t miss anything.

My first week back is being spent in Sydney for MXDU (how is that for timing). As usually, it looks like it is going to be a great conference, with some of the top developers in the world down here. If you are around give me a ping.

I will also start posting more regularly to my weblog now that I am back from my sabbatical, but give me a couple of days to get back up to speed on everything.

I am so excited about 2005.

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