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Lack of Updates and an Update

Sorry for the lack of delays lately, I have been pretty busy with a couple of projects and haven’t had a chance to post much on my weblog.

So, what has been going on? Well, first and foremost, I have really been focusing on Ellipsis, the upcoming update to Flash MX 2004. I won’t go into much detail on this just yet, but you can find a lot more info on the FlashTeam weblog, and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear some information on it at the FlashForward keynote this week in New York City.

Speaking of FlashForward, I have also been spending a lot of time getting ready for it. I am not doing any sessions this time around, but I have been working on a couple of things, including the keynote, and a QA session with the Flash team.

I’ll actually be in New York for about 2 weeks. The first week is for FlashForward, and the second week will be for customer visits. The Flash Team is spending a lot of time traveling lately, meeting with customers, finding out what features they want for the next full version of Flash (and how we should implement them). We have already done a round of visits in San Francisco, will be doing New York next week, and will be future waves in Japan, Europe and the US. More info on this in the next couple of weeks.

I also recently switched back to Mac, and am really loving it. The only thing I am missing is a text editor that supports tabbed documents, and my Flash Resource Manager. Since I plan to be on a Mac for some time, I figured I would just have to learn some Objective-C and Cocoa, and bring Flash Resource Manager to the Mac. It will probably be a while before it is out, but it is something that I am definitely going to be working on over the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, look for a smaller app in the next week or so (no hints on what it will be).

So, again, sorry for the lack of posts lately. Things will probably pick up in the next week or two, once things settle down from the New York City trip. In the meantime, make sure to check out the FlashTeam weblog. It is being updated every day with additional information on Ellipsis.

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