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Central Desktop Wallpaper Finalist

We have picked 10 finalists from the 80+ submissions to the Central Desktop Wallpaper contest. Since the community made this all happen, we decided to let you help us judge the finalists and pick a winner.

Here are the finalists in no particular order:

  1. http://www.infinitely-flash.com/IFHome/wallpaper/OccasionallyConnectedUser_1024x768.jpg
  2. http://www.actionscripthero.com/images/desktops/central_desktop/jpg/central_desktop_2_800x600.jpg
  3. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/rosyflower78/central/desk/clouds_1024_768.jpg
  4. http://www.ericd.net/central_desktops/contest/two_1024_768.jpg
  5. http://www.mossyblog.com/centralcomp/centralwallpaper_800x600.jpg
  6. http://www.airios.com/images/desktops/central/centralflow/800x600.jpg
  7. http://www.ugoletti.com/download/Box/800x600
  8. http://www.sangles.com/centralContest/central800x600.jpg
  9. http://fsd.webhostme.com/central/
  10. http://www.ugoletti.com/download/Plug%20different/800x600

Post your vote for the top submission (by it’s number) in the comments. The top vote getter from the community will be guaranteed at least a top 3 spot, and will have added weight with the final judges.

Btw, the Central Team has been completely amazed by the response to this. The quantify and quality of the submissions was simply amazing. Deadline for voting is 5 PM PST (-8:00 UTC), February 18, 2004.

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