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Spam Attacks? Here is my blacklist

I noticed that a lot of weblogs in the community are getting spammed today. I went through the same attack about a week ago (1200 spams in 24 hours). I use MT-Blacklist to protect against spam and it works pretty well.

So, in order to help everyone getting spammed today, I am publishing my weblog’s black list. If you are using MT Blacklist, you can add them to your system in the MT Blacklist admin.

This list will automatically be updated as I add new URLs to it. Also, it is possible that there are some false positives in the list. If so, just let me know about them, and I will check them out.

One note, the current version of MT Blacklist does not work with the latest version of Movable Type (2.66). A new version of MT Blacklist should be out soon that fixes the issues.

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