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Latest Central Community Happenings

Sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of days. I have been pretty swamped working on a couple of items at work.

There has been a lot of stuff going on over the past couple of days, so I am going to try to catch up in one big post.

Derek Stottlemyer has posted a beta version of his TabSMART Central application which helps teach how to play the guitar.

Ted Patrick has released a beta version of some really cool apps that allow you to make and share icons for Flash applications. You can find more information on Icon Pro and Icon Explorer here.

Ted also posted his thoughts on Central development.

I guess until you write an application, it is hard to see value in Central. I struggled with this on the Central Beta but I now think I get it. Central is about deployment, Central is a platform.

You can read the entire post here.

Vera Fleischer updated her excellent Central sample app and code to include support for notices and Blast.

Daemonite has posted a couple of tips on developing for Central, including this tip on Central DataGrid enhancements and this tip on using Screens in Central applications.

Wow. Lots of stuff going on.

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