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Flash Community Non-Flash Mailing List?

Would anyone be interested in a Flash community mailing list, that would allow Flash developers to talk about off topic / non-flash subjects? One of the great things about all of the Flash mailing lists is that they are excellent resources, and generally stay on topic. I was thinking that having a Flash list (similar to cf-community) might be a good way for Flash developers to chat about non-Flash topics.

What gave me the idea? Josh Dura and I have been playing Madden 2004 (PS2) on-line, and I was thinking it would be cool to have a Flash community tournament. But there is no real way to ask anyone about it (I try to keep this weblog on topic).

Anyways, if anyone is interested, let me know and perhaps we can get a list setup. It would be a good opportunity to get to know people in the Flash community outside of the context of Flash.

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