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FlashForward 2003 NYC Wrap-up

Well, FlashForward 2003 NYC is over, and as usual it was a great conference. I had a blast hanging out with and getting to know everyone. It was particularly cool to get to hang out with Josh and Daniel Dura, and Greg Burch, all of whom I chat with daily (and who were killing me at Mario Kart).

My session on Friday went well. I talked about architecting applications in Flash. I de-constructed my Search Application (which will be on the soon to be released DRK 4). I had a QA session after that, and ended up showing off a bunch of stuff on DRK 4.

I’ll be honest. The interest in the DRK really surprised me. People were really interested in the content, but a lot of people had never even heard of it. I think we need to do a better job of getting the word out. Hopefully, the fact that it will be available for individual purchase from launch will help.

I rode back on the train to DC with Branden Hall and Christian Cantrell. Branden got me started on the BrawlBots beta, and meshbotjr was born. Although he has yet to win any battles, he is an eager young robot.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who makes Flash Forward possible. So, thanks to Lynda, Stuart, Kymberlee, all of the FlashForward volunteers, the speakers, and everyone one who attended.

You can keep up with community posts on Flash Forward at the Flash section at MXNA.

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