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Macromedia FreeHand Reader for Flash MX

We just released a FreeHand MX Reader for Flash MX. What does it do? From the download page:

The FreeHand MX Reader for Flash MX allows Flash MX to import files that are stored in FreeHand 8, FreeHand 9, FreeHand 10, and FreeHand MX file formats only.

David Gangwisch (one of the FreeHand engineers) sent me some more information describing what exactly the reader does:

Flash MX doesn’t support “Opening” SWF files, it can only import them into existing FLA documents. It can, on the other hand, open FH files.

Also, when opening FH documents objects are converted from FH data structures directly into Flash native data structures preserving more of their editability. Much of the editability is lost when the objects have to be converted to the lean SWF structures as an intermediate before converting into Flash’s FLA data.*

You can download the reader here.

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