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New Public Flash Player

We have released a new public version of the Flash Player for all platforms (Windows, Mac and Linux). The is the final version of the beta that has been running for a month or two.
You can download the updated version here.

Note, this is also the first public release of the Flash 6 Player for Linux, and has full support for all Flash 6 capabilities (such as Flash Remoting, Video playback, Flash Communication Server, etc…). You can find links to the Linux players here.

You can find more info on this release, as well as download standalone, authoring and debug players here.

Note, unfortunately, due to some last minute show stopper issues on OSX and Linux, the version numbers are not synced up across platforms. Here are the release versions:

Windows / Mac Classic: 6,0,65,0
Mac OSX : 6,0,67,0
Linux: 6,0,69,0

We are taking steps to ensure this does not occur again.

Finally, as JD pointed out, we have also linked to information about privacy and the Flash Player privacy settings at the bottom of the download page.

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