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New Product from Macromedia : Contribute

We have announced a new product today, named Contribute. What is Contribute?

Contribute is the easiest way to update content for any HTML website, including sites built in Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, and other web tools. With Contribute, non-technical users can make changes while automatically respecting site standards for style, layout, and code in minutes—without knowing HTML.

Basically, it makes making small changes to a web page super simple. I have been using it a while for my internal pages at Macromedia, and it saves me a ton of time.

You can find more information at the Contribute product page, or read one of the many articles on Contribute at the new Contribute Development Center. (There are already tons of article and tutorials available).

You can also download a working technology preview version of Contribute here.

You should also check out this week’s logged in, and JD’s Forum, both which discuss Contribute and its implications.

If you were at DevCon then there is a good chance you have already seen a sneak peak of this (remember the </ hassle> sessions?).

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