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DevCon 2002 Wrapup

Well, it took me a couple of days longer than I expected to recover from DevCon, so here are my belated DevCon thoughts. My overall impression was that this was a very successful conference. Just having that many developers together (2300 - 2500 from different products) meant that I could not only find out what other people were talking about a were excited about, but it also gave me a chance to get a different viewpoint on some of our products and development issues.

Biggest surprise? The number of ColdFusion developers who told me that they were most excited about the Flash Communication Server and how easy it was to author content using the components.

Biggest disappointment? I only got to attend one session, and that one (Sam Wan’s on data visualization) was attending sitting outside of the packed conference room and accessing the session through a Flash Communication server app that Sam built (very cool, btw).

Video Blogs : These actually went pretty well, with a few techincal hicups. As of the end of DevCon, we had had over 50,000 views of the video reports. You can view them all here. Thanks to Jeremy Allaire for creating the video blog application.

Next years DevCon will be in San Diego, and I am defiantly looking forward to it. Below are some link of other DevCon coverage.

Here are some slides that have been posted online:

If you post any pictures or slides, put the link in the comments section and I will update the post.

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