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ANN : Macromedia MX Developer Resource Kit

On Friday, we announced a new product line, the Developer Resource Kit. It contains components, extensions, articles, samples applications and other resources (including a complete archive of the Designer and Developer Center).

Some of the new Flash MX content includes:

There are also some more articles, as well as Dreamweaver MX and ColdFusion MX content.

I wrote a logged in article with some more information on the DRK, as well as some of our motivations for creating the kit. You can read it here.

You can also see some other coverage and comments on the DRK at:

Phillip Torrone has some interesting comments on selling components. Phillip has been pretty successful selling content for the Pocket PC, so it is worth a read.

Btw, we are working on getting a list of the component features as well as some datagrid examples online.

You can discuss the DRK in the DRK forum.

You can find more information on the DRK, as well as purchase it here.

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