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Help me test my Flash Communication Server App Part 2

Here is the link to the application test that I am running today:
Thanks to everyone who helped with the test. We ended up with a max of 44 users. I apologize to everyone who could not join. The Flash Com server i was serving from has a 2 mb / s limit, and we ran into that. We will be doing some more tests in the future, with a higher bandwidth limit on the server.

Basically, I was streaming a live video feed from my house (over a 256 kbs up cable modem). Everyone connected could see the video.

The problem was that the Flash Communication Server I was hosting this on had a 2 mb / sec up limit, which we were hitting. This is why users had trouble logging in, and why the video got worse.

I think that i am going to write an article for this on the Macromedia Designer and Developer center, to help users measure how much bandwidth their project will require.

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